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Arrowhead Personalities

What’s an arrowhead personality? It’s a term I use for something created when I knap a piece of beautiful rock into an arrowhead or spear point of the types used throughout prehistory. A gorgeous piece of flint, jasper or agate is just a pretty rock until you create something from it. Each time I successfully do that (not every time is a success), an arrowhead comes into existence that kind of has it’s own, unique personality. Each one is different. That’s what I call arrowhead personality.

If you think that flintknappers like me sort of have our own language for what we do, you are correct. It’s actually the truth. If you were to sit around with a couple of flintknappers when they are knapping, you would no doubt hear all sorts of unfamiliar terms and expressions. I guess it’s a language that develops among folks who talk to rocks as they coax them into their creations. Is it entertaining to “normal” people? Probably. You might consider attending a knap-in sometime just for your own amusement.

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